Medication Management

Addiction Treatment & Psychiatric Services

Doctor handing medication to a patient

Medications play a critical role in the treatment of numerous mental health issues. The right medication can effectively reduce or eliminate symptoms and significantly increase a patient’s overall quality of life. At Buprenorphine Treatment Centers, Inc, our psychiatric care specialists know that the efficacy of medications can vary from patient to patient. As such, our psychiatrists account for a variety of factors, such as a patient’s medical history and medication plan, when providing psychiatric, psychological, and counseling services.

As part of our holistic approach to treatment within the fields of behavioral health and as a complement to psychotherapy treatments, our medication management is a type of outpatient treatment that involves the initial assessment of a patient’s need for psychiatric medications, the provision of prescriptions, and continuing medical monitoring related to the patients use of the prescribed medication by their provider. Contact our addiction and psychiatric practice today to schedule a psychiatric care appointment.

What Is Medication Management?

Medication therapy management (MTM), or medication management, is a form of outpatient treatment that comprises a range of services provided to patients to optimize the outcomes of therapeutic treatment and to help patients get the most from their medications. Medication management can also reduce the risk of adverse events. Medications often play a critical role in behavioral health care in the treatment of various mental health problems. When a patient is given the right medication, that medication can reduce or eliminate symptoms altogether, significantly improving their quality of life. However, medications can react differently from patient to patient based on each person’s unique needs and chemistry.

Through medication-assisted treatment and medication management, our psychiatry specialists know how to adequately account for these varying factors, helping patients find the right medication for their needs and optimizing the outcome of taking these medications. Medication management outpatient treatment involves the initial evaluation of the patient’s needs for psychiatric medications, the provision of a prescription, and ongoing monitoring by our medical team related to the patient’s use of the medication. Our medication management program includes monitoring related to the patient’s use of the prescribed medication, reconciling medications, and ensuring patients achieve the most optimal outcomes possible.

Why Is Medication Therapy Management Needed?

Whether it is performed in conjunction with other behavioral health services, such as psychotherapy and group therapy, among other types of therapies, or as a standalone treatment, medication therapy management can help reduce the occurrence of and prevent medication-related problems and medication mismanagement.

If you suffer from opioid use disorder and require medication therapy management with prescribed buprenorphine, such as Subutex® or Suboxone®, or you require assistance with managing a different medication for treating another condition, our psychiatric care team is available and ready to provide you with the help you need.

Who Can Benefit From Medication Management Therapy?

Anyone who uses prescription medications, non-prescription medications, herbal medications, or other dietary supplements may benefit from medication management therapy services from Buprenorphine Treatment Centers, Inc. Patients who may benefit the most include those who use several medications, those with several health conditions, those who are taking medications for the first time, those who have questions or issues with their medications, those who are taking medications that require close monitoring, those undergoing treatment for a substance use disorder, and those who are taking medications as part of their mental disorder treatment. Contact our behavioral health center today to find out how you might benefit from medication management therapy and to learn about teletherapy via telehealth.

What Mental Health Conditions Can Be Treated With Medication?

At Buprenorphine Treatment Centers, Inc, we take a holistic approach to mental health therapy and psychiatric care. We know that for some individuals, medication alone is not the only method with which their mental health condition should be addressed. Some psychiatric conditions may not have medications available for treating them, while others may require the use of medications in combination with other forms of therapy.

In some cases, such as patients who suffer from a specific phobia, prescribed medication can act as an aid during psychotherapy sessions, allowing the patient to feel calm and secure to complete exposure therapy. In other cases, such as those in which a patient has a chemical imbalance, their medication may be what they need to adequately rebalance the chemicals and return to a state of homeostasis. For more information about the types of mental health conditions that may be treated with medications, contact us.

Types Of Mental Health Medication

Psychotropic medications are used to treat mental health conditions or disorders. There are five main types or classifications of psychotropic medications: antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, stimulants, antipsychotic medications, and mood stabilizers. Many psychotropic medications work by adjusting the number of significant chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, in the brain. Increasing or decreasing certain neurotransmitters in the brain may counter the effects of certain mental health disorders. Psychotropic medications can only treat certain mental health disorders, and they are sometimes most effective when combined with psychotherapy, among other forms of behavioral health care.


There are several different types of antidepressants. Some types of antidepressants are less frequently used than others but may work for certain patients. The most common types of antidepressants include the following.

  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs steadily increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a powerful neurotransmitter that regulates several things, including mood, blood clotting, sleep, bowel movements, and more.
  • Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs). SNRIs gradually increase the amount of norepinephrine in the brain. These medications make you feel alert and awake.
  • Bupropion. Bupropion supports important brain activities and may be used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or to help patients quit smoking.

Anti-Anxiety Medication

Anti-anxiety medications may be used to treat a wide array of anxiety disorders. These medications can be used to treat phobias, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, and other symptoms of anxiety. Anti-anxiety medication can include beta-blockers, which assist in treating the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as rapid heart rate, nausea, sweating, and trembling. Because anti-anxiety medications can cause drowsiness, some tranquilizers and sleep medications may also be used for a short time to treat anxiety as well as insomnia.


Stimulant medications help manage unorganized behavior by improving concentration and focus, resulting in a sense of calm. Stimulants are often prescribed to patients diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some potential side effects of stimulant medication can include insomnia, difficulty with sleeping, decreased appetite, and as a result of decreased appetite, weight loss. Stimulants can likewise reduce hydration levels and cause a feeling of dryness in the mucous membranes.


Antipsychotic medications help manage psychosis, which describes multiple conditions that affect the brain. Psychosis is often indicated by the person suffering from the condition becoming separated from their daily reality and, instead, experiencing hallucinations or delusions. Antipsychotics can be used to treat ADHD, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and eating disorders. Antipsychotics can have side effects, such as drowsiness, upset stomach, increased appetite, and weight gain.

Mood Stabilizers

Mood-stabilizing medications help patients regulate extreme emotions. Rather than preventing patients from feeling all the sensations of goodness in their life, they simply help patients manage their range of emotions. Mood stabilizers are primarily used to treat bipolar disorder and extreme mood swings, though they may be used to treat other mental health conditions as well. Some potential side effects of mood stabilizers include upset stomach, drowsiness, weight gain, dizziness, tremors, blurry vision, and confusion.

Medication Therapy Management Vs. Self-Dosing

Psychiatric or psychotropic medications are powerful. As such, it is critical that patients take these medications exactly as their provider prescribes. Taking too much medication can cause unwanted or extremely harmful side effects. Yet, taking too little of these medications can prevent patients from gaining the effects of treatment that they require for treating their mental disorders. Some mental health disorders can be fatal if they are not treated as required, so patients should take their medications as directed by their physicians.

Additionally, it is highly dangerous for a patient to take mental health medications and psychotropics that are not prescribed to them. Even if a patient takes their medication exactly as prescribed by their doctor, they may experience side effects or other issues. Undergoing medication therapy management services helps ensure that patients continue to receive and take the dosages of medication they need. Contact our office to discuss medication therapy management for your needs.

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